Achieving Financial Success: “Don’t Count Unreceived Money” & Six Other Financial Management Tips

Achieving financial success would mean adhering to key principles that collectively contribute to effective money management. 

One of the most basic things to consider when considering effective money management is creating and adhering to a budget. A well-structured budget allocates income to various expenses, savings, and investments, ensuring that individuals live within their means. 

When one uses this disciplined approach, it helps to lay the groundwork for financial stability. It also empowers individuals to make properly thought-through financial decisions.

For many financially savvy people, a second genius approach would be considering savings and investments. Regularly saving a portion of income and making informed investment decisions are paramount to long-term financial growth. Savings act as a buffer against unexpected expenses, while strategic investments enable capital to grow over time, outpacing the impact of inflation. 

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Additionally, working with a proactive and adaptable approach to financial management is essential. This involves continuously educating oneself about personal finance, staying informed about market trends, and regularly reassessing and adjusting financial plans. 

In this article, we focus on real financial management tips from an astute entrepreneur; Urbanus W. Azupogo

Mr. Azupogo is a serial entrepreneur and Chairman of Urbane Holdings, with extensive experience in both academia and entrepreneurship. He uses his expertise in real estate and technology to drive positive change within his community.

As an experienced business consultant, he specialises in guiding and empowering individuals to achieve their entrepreneurial aspirations. Possessing a proven track record and extensive industry experience, he serves as the ideal partner for taking businesses to new heights. Exploring his background and capabilities is encouraged to help understand why he is a valuable asset in the pursuit of business success.

This is what he had to share: 

Yesterday, during a Zoom mentoring session with a Japanese mentee focused on business, I encountered a deeply personal question that took me by surprise. As we discussed various business strategies and challenges, she paused, her image framed thoughtfully on my screen, and asked, “What financial principles do you hold dear to your heart?” The question, coming through the digital divide, resonated with a sense of sincerity and curiosity.

Here’s what I shared with her:

  1. Don’t Count Unreceived Money: Avoid planning for money that hasn’t yet been received. It’s tempting to rely on expected payments from clients, but true financial prudence involves waiting until the money is securely in your account. This prevents the disappointment and disruptions that come from unmet expectations.


  1. Aim for a Debt-Free Life: Strive to live without debt for a sense of financial freedom and stability. This reduces stress and allows for more savings and investment opportunities, ultimately leading to a more secure financial future. Being debt-free means you’re not constantly burdened by interest payments, enabling you to grow your wealth and enjoy financial peace of mind.


  1. Separate Personal and Business Finances: While it’s important to be kind and supportive, maintain clear boundaries between personal and business finances. Never use business funds for personal acts of kindness. This ensures the stability of your business and enables you to help others in a more sustainable manner.


  1. Create a Defined Investment Portfolio: Develop a detailed investment portfolio to guide your business and personal investments. This portfolio should outline where to allocate your investments, guiding you in the proportions of each investment and highlighting areas to avoid. It’s about informed diversification, including specifics on real estate, shares, bonds, and sustainable investment practices.


  1. Build an Emergency Fund: Establishing an emergency fund is crucial. This financial safety net is designed to cover unexpected expenses or financial emergencies, preventing the need to dip into investments or savings earmarked for other purposes.


  1. Let Go of Limiting Beliefs About Money: Challenge and transform limiting beliefs about money. Many people carry misconceptions or fears about wealth that can hinder financial progress. Adopting a more positive and proactive attitude towards money can lead to growth and wealth accumulation.


  1. Make Your Money Work for You: Focus on making your money work for you through wise investments and passive income streams. This principle is about moving from active earnings to passive, long-term wealth building, allowing your capital to generate more wealth.


As our session came to a close, I could see a new sense of determination in her eyes, now more than just pixels on a screen. Sharing these principles was not only reaffirming for me but also an opportunity to guide a promising entrepreneur towards a brighter financial future.


Urbanus W. Azupogo’s insights are from an entrepreneur whose has insights on how one can properly manage ones finances. Proper financial management tips would help you get to the nect stage.

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